Friday 4 December 2015

Selena Gomez - Victoria's Secret lip sync

I recently saw this video posted by Victoria's Secret, as Selena performed at their most recent fashion show. The video shows my idea concerning a main artist featuring as well as friends lip syncing a variety of parts of the video. This is not an extremely serious take of this video as it is more of a promotional activity for Selena and Victoria's Secret, this is why the girls are shown in underwear and on the beach which shows off their brand and its ideology. In my video I hope to give it a more professional value with plain backgrounds and Beyonce (Stefi) performing in more traditional artist locations e.g. dance rooms, stages with microphones.

It is noticeable that this video only features women, which is a direction I will consider taking my own video in. Given that Beyonce's message in business and in life for women is to be independent and powerful because of being a female, and a title to one of her songs being 'Run the world (Girls)' it seems appropriate to take the song in this direction. To do this I will need all of the extra actors lip syncing to be female as well as the main artist to be female. It will give a bigger underlying message of feminist views and female power in our changing world. This may need to be shown in locations I will film in where women are not expected e.g. offices or powerful positions. I can also show this message through the clothing Stefi and all other girls are wearing as being powerful in the colours, which in Beyonce's case are red, gold and white, however, as I am trying to add a pop element I may include bright colours of pink and purple.

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