Friday 29 January 2016

Editing technique rehearsals

To avoid any time that could be wasted on the day of filming, I taught Stefi the choreography which will be used for the editing technique section of the music video. Due to the dance routine involving 8 different movements, I will need Stefi to practice these in order them have them as accurate and tight as possible. I have played around with the timings i.e. how many turns and how many arm movements, in order to get the final choreography posted below. I will follow the generic conventions of the pop genre as Stefi will appear happy throughout the dance and follow the conventions of the R&B genre as some of the dance moves can appear seductive. The video below shows the original take 1st followed by what it would be like if the sound was cut out and the actual song inserted, therefore giving the ideas of what it will be like in the end product.
NB - I will still need for Stefi to sing the last line of the verse 'finally you out my love on top'.

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